Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rehearsal 4 and 5, and a strange party

Sorry for the wait.
Man I say that a lot.

Anyway, I've been far too busy to actually post here. What with rehearsals and everything else going on.
So it turns out that Jon is sick. For the past week, he's been stuck in bed with the flu. It makes rehearsals a pain. He was the best friend to my character. So now someone else reads his lines, which throws off timing ridiculously. It sucks to be sick, but still.
On the other hand, Lilith and I have been getting along better and better. In fact, we even hang out awhile after rehearsal yesterday. Mind you, we're friends, and that's it. We used to be more, but we've basically decided to stick with that. We actually stopped talking for a long time when I stopped going to the theater. Now that I think about it, she left around the same time. And came back at the same time too. Weird.

Ah well. The show, despite it's timing issues, is going well otherwise. Everyone basically knows there lines, their accents are getting better, and we all get on well enough.

Addressing the last part of this posts title, I was at a costume party a couple days ago. I went as a sort of Grim Reaper character. I'm a real loner at parties, and generally I just people watch. The weird thing is, there was this other guy doing the same thing. He was a little shorter than me by the look of it, and he wore a hoodie, cargoes, and a fucking gas mask. I want a gas mask! But he was weird, because no one even looked at him. People generally at least make an effort to talk to me. They just outright ignored this guy. He was also watching me back, which was somewhat unsettling. Even though my skull mask is nothing to sneeze at, the gas mask just is always creepy.

Still, it was no big deal. And the party was fun enough, good food, people dancing, the usual. Not really my thing, but the costumes made it worth it. It's actually a rather common occurrence in the local theater community. The beer always flows too. I don't touch it though. Never liked alcohol.

Hobey Ho


  1. That party sounds like it would be fun! Gas mask guy is a bit creepy though and I hope your friend gets better too!

  2. Thanks Gena. Hope your Garden works out for you.
